National Film Board CAMPUS

License Terms of Use

For OCUL University Library users

Can I post a copy in a course management system? Ask

You may provide a link to this online item.

If you would like to find out whether a digital copy can be included in Brightsapce, please contact the NSCC Copyright Office at stating which title you are enquiring about.

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Please contact us if you’d like to know more about this license.

Can I put it in a course pack? No

You may NOT include material from this resource in course packs. A course pack is a print compilation of articles for use by students in a class.

Can I link to it? Yes

You can link to individual articles, e-books, or videos from this resource.

Persistent link information for articles and eBooks.

Can I make print or electronic copies? Yes

You MAY make a print or electronic copy of material from this resource for teaching, research or private study.

For Libraries

Is ILL allowed? No

For more information, contact NSCC Library Interlibrary Loan

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If your NSCC Campus Library does not have a book, essay or journal article that you need, we can usually get it from another Library. This is called Interlibrary Loans (ILL).


To post a NFB video on a course management system, embed the content using the provided link/code. CAMPUS films CANNOT be embedded.

Licensed for educational and research purposes provided no entry fee is charged. Downloading is not covered in the NSCC license although the option to purchase and download is available to individual users for private home use.

Off-campus access to the CAMPUS collection, which includes 500+ videos with the subscription, is available to NSCC faculty, staff and students. Only Faculty and staff members can create a user account on the NFB CAMPUS site which allows them to access educational resources and a playlist tool. More information is available on the Streaming Video Subject Guide -